Version 1.4 Released

Version 1.4 Released

Over the last few days, we've rolled out version 1.4.52 of Veracity Learning LRS. This is a major update with a few new features and a lot of small but important improvements. One of our main focuses in this cycle was cleanup, consistently and polish, but we still found time to work in a few great new features as well.

New Features

Upload statement json

Now you can upload a JSON document full of statements. This feature is available in the Lite version as well as and Enterprise, so you can use it to duplicate LRSs, or restore a JSON backup. This feature is suitable for up to a few tens of thousands of xAPI statements. The upload should be in the exact same format as the download you get from the "Export Statements" tool.

User manual

We've written a huge amount of information on how the system works and how to use it. This guide will grow over time, and should be your first stop for information on how to use the system. We'll start adding links around the user interface to the appropriate documentation. Read the docs here!

Custom Aggregation Widget

We now include a custom aggregation widget for use in custom dashboards. This widget allows you to not only build a complex query and map the results to a graph, it also gives you a place to input a full configuration for the graph rendering. You can create all sorts of visualizations beyond what we provide out of the box. Read about the feature here.

Plugin Analytics Processors in Enterprise

The custom aggregation widget is powerful - but what if you would like to reuse a complex query many times, with slightly different parameters? Plugin Analytics Processors allow you to place a JavaScript file alongside the install of the onsite Enterprise version. This plugin file can exercise an extensive API for querying the data, completely configure the rendering, and even execute JavaScript to modify the query results. Because this feature involves running user supplied code on the server, it is not available in the shared infrastructure on

Resync Upstreams with Optional Dates

Ever add an upstream LRS after you've already received data? The only way to force all statements to be resent used to be to run the database migration scripts. This was never a good solution, so now we've added a specific tool for the job. You can resync all statements to an upstream, or only those after a certain date.

Aggregation in xAPI Lab

We've added a bit of tooling to the xAPI Lab interface to allow you to post aggregation queries and view the results.


  • Better keyboard support in the UI.
  • Fix performance issues in hosted courses, learner portal, and xAPI signing proxy.
  • Updates to the style on main pages, and harmonize the styling of the LRS page and the rest of the system.
  • Updated to Amcharts4.
  • Much prettier output on the console for local installs.
  • Interactive tutorials now prompt you to choose an LRS.
  • Confirm dialog for download backup and export statements. This used to start exporting the moment you clicked the link.
  • Better resize handling in analytics. Graphs now flow correctly in all cases.
  • Allow plus signs and percent signs in email address in the xAPI.
  • Allow new top level domains to create accounts on
  • Capture log data in the LRS log viewer for additional types of client errors.

As usual, please reach out if you have questions, comments, or experience any issues updating. The download for the free Lite version is also updated. You should be able to simply overwrite the old executable. There are no additional migrations steps.