xAPI 101: Getting Started Video Series

xAPI 101: Getting Started Video Series

Looking to get started with xAPI and need to understand the fundamentals? We have you covered! Veracity's Jonathan Poltrack created a playlist of xAPI 101 videos on xAPI terminology, concepts and exploring the several other key parts of the xAPI standard, including document resources/endpoints, context activities, and more. Check out the xAPI 101 video playlist below. You can also subscribe to our youtube channel to receive regular updates anytime new videos are posted. Check out all of our other xAPI Video Playlist topics here: https://www.youtube.com/@VeracityLRS/playlists

  1. xAPI 101 - xAPI Terminology Part 1
  2. xAPI 101 - xAPI Terminology Part 2
  3. xAPI 101 - xAPI Statement Basics Part 1
  4. xAPI 101 - xAPI Statement Basics Part 2