Analyzing Your Data

Analyzing Your Data

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Visualizing Learning Data with xAPI: Introduction to Dashboards & Analytics

Visualizing Learning Data with xAPI: Introduction to Dashboards & Analytics

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xAPI 101: Getting Started Video Series

xAPI 101: Getting Started Video Series

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The State of Learning Data and Analytics in L&D

The State of Learning Data and Analytics in L&D

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Using xAPI for Assessments

Using xAPI for Assessments

Veracity's Jonathan Poltrack covers how to leverage the #xAPI and #LRS for assessment analysis and evaluation.

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Veracity Learning Passes xAPI 2.0 Conformance

Veracity Learning Passes xAPI 2.0 Conformance

IEEE 92741.1 xAPI 2.0 conformance testing is now available. Veracity Learning successfully passed ADL's xAPI 2.0 LRS Conformance Test.

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UPDATED: The Ultimate xAPI Resource List

UPDATED: The Ultimate xAPI Resource List

A curated, organized list of some of the best xAPI resources from the L&D community.

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Veracity Learning Resources Update

Veracity Learning Resources Update

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New xAPI & LRS Best Practices Video Series

New xAPI & LRS Best Practices Video Series

Veracity's Jonathan Poltrack releases new #xAPI and #LRS video blog series.

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The Need for KPIs Aligned with xAPI

The Need for KPIs Aligned with xAPI

Our large L&D community of learning designers, developers, engineers, and evaluators would greatly benefit from a list of KPIs aligned with xAPI. Interested? Check out this learning solutions magazine article and resources from Veracity.

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xAPI and Augmented Reality in E-commerce

xAPI and Augmented Reality in E-commerce

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xAPI Case Studies

xAPI Case Studies

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Best Practices for xAPI Statements

Best Practices for xAPI Statements

We decided to share a curated, organized list of some of the most useful xAPI resources from the entire community.

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xAPI Profile Server: Advancing Learning Interoperability Across Systems

xAPI Profile Server: Advancing Learning Interoperability Across Systems

A webinar announcment about ADL's plans to build the new xAPI Profile Server.

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LRS as a NODE.JS Module Package Released!

LRS as a NODE.JS Module Package Released!

Are you an xAPI developer with experience in Node.js or Express?

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